Be The Kind of Parent You

Want To Be

Parenting is an individual learning journey…

To be a parent is a gift, without conscious effort, however, our parenting methods can create moments of conflict and disconnection with our children.

We start our journey with the best intentions, to be the best parents we can, but nothing prepares us for the sleepless nights, meltdowns, feeding battles, sibling rivalry, homework struggles and busy schedules.

Without knowing it, we can feel depleted of energy and slip into parenting styles passed on by the generations before us. These styles of parenting aren’t always fit for purpose in today’s world.

So many parents know that they want to parent differently but with the constant day-to-day demands it's hard to find the time, let alone know where to start, which is why specialist, tailored support is so beneficial.Parenting is learning to overcome challenges, to grow and develop, to be aware of yourself and your desires. To know that being a parent is a journey to learn more about your inner child and realise that your dreams and aspirations are important and valued. It takes commitment and dedication, like all good things, but it's a positive way of life and you want to reflect the best person you can be as your child (ren) look at you as a role model. Parenting is progression not perfection.

It’s time to be the parent you want to be by taking control of your and your child's journey by building good communication, care and a life-long connection with them.


Showing acceptance and affection by creating a safe space where attachment and emotions are valued.


Connecting with your inner child and embracing the new ways to enjoy and be present with your child.


Creating a relationship with your children based on communication, trust, and collaboration.

It’s Never Too Late to
Change and Grow as a Parent

No matter what your relationship with your child(ren) looks like right now, you have the power to change it.

Depending on where things are at, it can be hard to believe there is truly another way. But I promise you there is. 

Coaching provides a space to get intentional about our parenting so that we can live richer family lives and form deeper connections.

None of us start off as parents knowing what to do. We create plans, try to be the people we want to be and watch as our idealistic dreams get run over by the reality of daily life and the immense pressures of caring for our children. 

I understand that many parenting challenges intensify if the parent is not anchored and prepared, so I invite you to come on a journey of a different kind of parenting that is conscious, empowered and transformational. 

Through it you change the way you perceive the world around you and your child(ren); regulate and navigate big emotional upsets; communicate through conflict and respond to ingrained patterns of how you and your child (ren) relate. 

I will support you with new methods of connection, communication and behavioural decisions that are in line with your own family values and beliefs. 

Through coaching, I will help you discover tools, ideas and support that will allow you to create deep lifelong relationships with your children.

“Meeting and working with my coach, Nadia, not only opened my eyes to a new way of parenting but it helped me to reflect on my own childhood and relate my own emotions and stress triggers to past experiences. The overall experience has really helped me to re-evaluate my approaches to parenting; I have thoroughly enjoyed the 12 weeks and recommend it to anyone.”

- Clare Craig

“Nadia gave me the confidence I needed to be the parent I’d always wanted to be. She offered help and guidance to come up with personalised strategies that worked for our family rather than trial and error from parenting books.”

- Nicole Love-Lloyd

“Nadia offered valuable insights and guidance that contributed positively to my parenting journey. She showed a genuine interest in my background and helped me create links between my own childhood and my parenting style. My coaching progress has been incremental and is ongoing. If you’re seeking for a patient and caring coach who can offer steady support, Nadia is the person.”

- Magdalena Omar

Hello, I’m Nadia de Jesus

I have always had a passion and commitment to make a positive impact on children's lives, this has led me to work as an Early Years educator, Inclusion and Improvement Advisor for Early Years and with children with special needs for the last 22 years.

I am mother to two wonderful boys, Afonso and Tiago – and from the beginning I was fully committed to provide them with a different kind of relationship and experiences than I had growing up.

I became a parenting coach after looking at my own relationship with my sons and wanted to improve on this even further.

Through my own parenting journey and coaching experience I understood how possible it was to build a relationship with children based on mutual trust, understanding and care. I became deeply passionate about supporting other parents in this life-changing work.

I believe that being a parent in today’s climate is not easy with all the pressures that we face on a day-to-day basis. The phrase ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ conveys the message that we need a group of people to support us to raise our children – however, we live in a society where this is almost impossible.

It takes many people to provide a safe, healthy environment for children, where they are given the security they need to develop and flourish.

I believe all children deserve to be guided and loved by the best version each of us can offer them, as parents.

My mission is to empower you to take control of your parenting and reap the rewards as you progress in your parenting journey.

The traditional ‘parent dominant or permissive’ models of parenting aren’t working

These models of parenting can make you feel like you and your child(ren) aren’t good enough ... 

But that’s not the truth. I believe that the real issue is that we’re not taught how to be the kind of parents most of us long to be, so we end up slipping into the patterns that were ingrained in us in our own childhoods.

We want to move towards a
‘Power With’ relationship with our children where we prioritise developing a sense of safety and security. A parent model where we believe our children deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, understanding and curiosity, letting go of control and stepping into vulnerability, humility and trust. 

When you contact me, you will be met with understanding, a non-judgemental openness and a supportive, personalised effective plan that I will guide you through to develop your parenting style based on care, connection and communication.

How It Works:

When you book a call with me, we’ll have a conversation so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and where I can offer support.

I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.

If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started.  If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together. 

Let's Talk!

So that you can find more connection and peace in your parenting. 

Take the first step towards becoming the kind of parent you know you can be.

Schedule Your 20 Minute Complimentary Call
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